Design Consultancy

Having received the relevant building information, our Design Engineers will model the building to ascertain the size and number of systems required. We will then send a detailed proposal outlining the design parameters and the daylight simulation results for our proposed strategy.

IES VE-Pro – FlucsDL

This module is used to determine the indoor daylight conditions in different rooms and ascertain the daylight factors and light levels that will be experienced within a space. Monodraught have done extensive experiments to determine the design parameters of our Sunpipe® natural lighting systems. Our design engineers are able to model physical representations of our systems and the subsequent daylight conditions achieved in the target indoor areas.

IES Radiance

This module is used to analyse the daylight levels in a room with Monodraught natural lighting systems. The programme provides photo-realistic renders of internal spaces which can be used to ascertain the exact light levels within a room. This IES module can also link with the VE-Pro suite thermal simulation modules to show how daylight dimming profiles and lighting gains can be used to enhance the thermal comfort.

LUX Plotter

This is a mathematical model developed for Monodraught by the University of Liverpool. It is used to determine the size and number of Monodraught Sunpipe natural lighting systems required to achieve a desired lux level in a given space.

DIALux evo 7 Lighting Simulation software

This software includes Monodraught components to model the Sunpipe systems at 4 different external illuminance levels. It is used to determine the relevant lux levels within the building during daylight hours at different times of year.  More information is available in our guide in the Resources section

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