29th August 2017

Method for modelling Sunpipe in DIALux and IES guide released.

Monodraught have released a new guide for modelling Sunpipe natural daylight systems in DIALux evo 7 Lighting Simulation software.  The .LDT components will allow the user to model a variety of Sunpipe systems within projects at 4 different external illuminance levels.  From here, users can determine the lux levels within a building for different times of the year during daylight hours.

Natural Daylight allows healthier indoor environments, more productive and happier occupants and reduces carbon emissions.  Sunpipe systems can be installed on almost any roof type. There are a variety of flashings available to suit more commonly used constructions.  With the use of adjustable elbows and extension lengths, systems can navigate around obstacles in the roof void.

With respect to normal methods of daylight modelling, both in software simulation and physical model studies, Sunpipe systems can be relatively unorthodox.  The shape of the dome, circular and reflective natures of the tube and diffusing characteristics of the ceiling fixtures mean that dynamically modelling bespoke Sunpipe systems cannot easily be achieved with current light simulation software.

We have conducted controlled illuminance testing of our systems in order to determine their photometric profiles at specific external lux levels.  This was achieved through the construction of an artificial sky, calibrated to accurately simulate the behaviour of the Sunpipe systems in overcast conditions. 

The result of this extensive testing was that profiles were created for a range of typical installations.  These were translated into .LDT files that can be used in the same way that electrical luminaires are modelled.  Not only is this an accurate depiction of the illuminance levels that can be achieved with these systems but it also saves simulation time relative to normal natural daylight modelling.

Thankyou to those of you who joined our Product Designer James McGowan for his webinar on the method for modelling Sunpipe in DIALux and IES.  

The guide is now available on our resources pages for you to download.

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